My videos
The clip above is the talk I gave at the International Transpersonal Conference in Prague, in September 2017. It is an exploration of Richard Tarnas and Stanislav Grof’s discovery and development of archetypal astrology. I also explore the uncanny connections of between quantum mechanics, depth psychology, and archetypal astrology.
Above is an excerpted clip from a talk I gave on the evolution of consciousness and the individuation of humanity at the Cosmology of Love Conference at the California Institute of Integral Studies on April 17th, 2015.
Above is the entire presentation.
Above is an excerpt from the Stardustian Convocation December 31st, 2014.
Above is the entire presentation.
My audio excerpts
Here is an audio excerpt of Richard Tarnas explicating the complex nature surrounding the innumerable ways in which an archetypal complex can manifest itself (archetypal multivalence), while simultaneously remaining coherently faithful to the core principles of the archetypal complex. He also hints to the power of the astrological perspective to both provide a since of order and meaning while also preserving individual human free-will. (Audio clip excerpted from the Archetypes: Art & Culture course, Sept. 13th, 2004, at CIIS)
Here is an audio excerpt of Richard Tarnas explicating the complex nature surrounding the innumerable ways in which an archetypal complex can manifest itself (archetypal multivalence), while simultaneously remaining coherently faithful to the core principles of the archetypal complex. He also hints to the power of the astrological perspective to both provide a since of order and meaning while also preserving individual human free-will. (Audio clip excerpted from the Archetypes: Art & Culture course, Sept. 13th, 2004, at CIIS)